We're okay, we're friends.
We started of as classmates. I, trying hard to just have my place and is contented with that. Him, effortlessly fitted in. And I didn't care. Same goes for him, he didn't care. We didn't care about each other.
Months passed, second semester, we're still classmates but something changed. Not in my part, in his part. While I was busy improving myself he noticed me. By then, I guess he started caring. On the other hand, I still didn't care.
An event then took place. An event right after the end of the second semester. He made his move. He entertained me as we sat far from his friends, far from humans, far from this world. There started our world... at least for me. I'm pretty sure that's when I started caring. He, continued to care.
I really believed that the magic will end there, at the event, but it didn't. Summer magic took over. While everyone enjoyed the summer breeze, the beach, I enjoyed summer's magic. I never been that exhausted for a week, that exhausted but that happy. Imagine, me, the lazy one who would rather stay on bed all day than to eat a box of donuts, miraculously, felt the urge to spend time outdoors. It's probably cause I'm with them. Yes, it's definitely cause they're there waiting for me to show up and hang out with them. I never regretted one second of the time I was with them. They're my love. My ultimate summer love. And he's there by the way. I got to know him better. By better I mean how great he is. He's amazing, awesome, I honestly don't have an exact word to describe him. I must get him one. Just to be fair. Because he has one for me. It's 'astig'. So yeah, the way I talked about him, you should realize, I cared for him MORE. I wish he, too...
I wonder what will happen next. Will it continue or will it end ( just like how every summer magic ends)?