Monday, May 2, 2016

Discouraged and Afraid

Maybe I've been too silent for too long that all of my thoughts remained unspoken and forgotten.

I'm always open for new experiences, new point of views... everything new actually. I'm open-minded. I'm open minded to the point that I always, and by always I mean ALWAYS, think that there's a reason behind what just happened. Afraid to be wrong and, maybe, there's just no one there available or willing to listen to my opinions about stuff, I kept them all inside me... Disappearing without a trace.

And now that seemed to be my downfall.

I wish to speak of something but there's nothing to say. Of course it's always a wow to be asked about my point of view in a situation. I could feel my heart melting whenever someone asks me that. It melts then it hardens. It hardens knowing that I wouldn't be able to give an answer worthy of being heard.

When did I start becoming like this?